Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What is a healthy BMI?

Body Mass Index.
Please watch the video and answer the following questions.
Note this video is from the United States so they'll talk about the height of a person in feet, not in meters. So in the U.S.A. my height is 5'11 (five feet, eleven inches), but in Brazil I would just say my height is 178cm.
1-      The ideal weight depends on many factors. List some of these factors.
2-      What does BMI stand for?
3-      What is the math formula to find the BMI of a person?
4-      What BMI range is considered underweight?
5-      What BMI range is considered a healthy weight. 
6-      What BMI range is considered overweight?
7-      What BMI range is considered obese?
8-      What are some health risks that come with obesity? In other words, obesity can lead to what health problems?
9-      What is the BMI of a person that is 60 inches tall, and weighs 170 pounds? Is this person underweight, healthy, overweight or obese?
10-  What is your BMI? Remember to use inches for your height and pounds for your weight.

Next week we'll discuss these questions and have a quiz :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Obesity Lesson...

Please watch this video (link below) on Obesity and answer the following questions. We will discuss these questions in class tomorrow.
Hint: read all the questions first, before you watch the video...
1-      Body weight is a result of many different factors. List some of these factors.
2-      In addition to affecting people physically, obesity affects people in what other areas?
3-      According to the doctor in the video, what is one of the biggest nutritional problems in America? How does this problem affect people's diet?
4-      How is possible to make the food you cook at home cheaper than a fast-food restaurant?
5-      According to the doctor, how many people are obese in the US today?
6-      What is considered overweight? What is considered obese? (think of how much weight over the ideal weight).
7-      What will happen if obesity continues to rise in America? How many people will be overweight in the future?
8-      How much money does obesity cost for the US healthcare? Is that cheaper or more expansive than smoking?
9-       What can YOU do to prevent the obesity problems in your community? Please list some practical things you can do.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Healthy diet tips...

This work is due on Friday, 03/15/2013
Watch this video...
Answer these questions (all answers are on the video). Feel free to pause the video to answer these questions. We will discuss these answers in class.
1-      Why is it a good idea to cook your own meals?
2-      What is (often) the problem with processed foods such as fast food?
3-      What are the important things to look for on the food labels? For healthy foods should these numbers be big or small?
4-      Why is it a good idea to eat breakfast?
5-       What are the seven steps for a healthier diet?
6-      On step #7, what are the things that will change in your body?
This is an excellent video, and it's great to talk about a healthy diet, but this only works if you do it! If you just think about it, or talk about it, but don't actually eat healthy, you will not benefit from this. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Healthy 3rd - 6th graders beat Teachers and Parents

  The 3rd - 6th grade soccer team beat the teachers and parents 5 to 4 last Saturday. The Eagles were losing on the first half, but they got it together and turned things around for an exciting win on the second half. Way to go Eagles!!