Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Nervous System and the Five Senses

Next HW:
 Central and peripheral nervous system + the five senses.  
(due on next Friday,  9/20/2013).  Type the answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Hint, read the questions first, before you watch the videos.
Watch this video about the body's nervous systems.
1-      What are the two parts of the body's nervous system?
2-      What does CNS and PNS mean?
3-      What organs/body parts make the CNS?
4-      What is the control center?
5-      What organ connects the brain to the PNS?
6-      What organs/body parts make up the PNS?
7-      What is the function of Afferent nerves? And Efferent nerves?
Watch this video on the five senses.
8-      What are the five senses?
9-      What part of your brain is responsible for processing your vision? Hint:                   Cortex.
10-   What part of your brain is responsible for listening?  
11-   What part of your brain is responsible for your taste buds? Hint: Medula                               .
12-   What part of your brain processes smells?
13-   What are the different kinds of receptors that we have for the sense of touch?
14-   For all these senses, how is the information/ stimuli sent to the brain?
Now that you know all about the brain and the senses answer these questions on your own…
15-   How is the sense of touch important in our communication? Give an example.
16-   How is the sense of hearing important in our communication? Give an example.
17-   How is the sense of taste  important in our communication? Give an example.
18-   How is the sense of sight  important in our communication? Give an example.
19-   How is the sense of smell important in our communication? Give an example.

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