5th/ 6th Health Class.
Types of drugs
The three main types of drugs, classified by their effects on the central nervous system are:
- depressants;
- stimulants; and
- hallucinogens.
Depressant drugs slow down, or depress, the functions of the central nervous system (however, they don't necessarily make you feel depressed). Depressant drugs include:
- alcohol;
- opiates and opioids: including heroin (also known as 'H', 'hammer', 'smack' and 'gear'), morphine, codeine, methadone and buprenorphine;
- cannabis: (also known as 'green', 'smoke', 'weed', 'pot', 'dope', 'cone' and 'mull'), including marijuana, hashish and hash oil. In stronger concentrations, such as in hashish and resin, cannabis can also act as an hallucinogen in addition to being a central nervous system depressant;
- minor tranquillisers/benzodiazepines (benzos): including diazepam (Valium), oxazepam (Serepax), nitrazepam (Mogadon), temazepam (Normison and Euhypnos); and
- some solvents and inhalants: including vapours from petrol, glue, chrome paint and lighter fluid.
In moderate doses, depressants can make you feel relaxed. Some depressants cause euphoria and a sense of calm and well-being. They may be used to 'wind down' or to reduce anxiety, stress or inhibition. Because they slow you down, depressants affect coordination, concentration and judgment. This makes driving and operating machinery hazardous.
In larger doses, depressants can cause unconsciousness by reducing breathing and heart rate. A person's speech may become slurred and their movements sluggish and uncoordinated. Other effects of larger doses including nausea, vomiting and, in extreme cases, death. When taken in combination, depressants increase their effects and increase the danger of overdose.
In contrast to depressant drugs, stimulant drugs speed up the functions of the central nervous system. Millions of Australians use the following stimulants every day:
- caffeine: most coffee, tea and cola drinks contain caffeine, which is a mild stimulant;
- nicotine: the nicotine in tobacco is a stimulant, despite many smokers using it to relax; and
- ephedrine: used in medicines for bronchitis, hay fever and asthma.
Stronger stimulant drugs include:
- amphetamines and methamphetamines: also known as 'speed', 'ice' and 'crystal meth';
- cocaine: also known as 'coke' and 'snow';
- slimming tablets: e.g. Duromine and Tenuate; and
- dexamphetamine: prescribed to treat attention-deficit disorder in children and narcolepsy, which is an uncontrollable urge to fall asleep.
Stimulants speed up or stimulate the central nervous system and can make the users feel more awake, alert or confident. Stimulants increase heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure. Other physical effects include reduced appetite, dilated pupils, talkativeness, agitation and sleep disturbance.
Higher doses of stimulants can 'over stimulate' the users, causing anxiety, panic, seizures, headaches, stomach cramps, aggression and paranoia. They can also cause heart problems such as arrhythmia. Prolonged or sustained use of strong stimulants can also cause these effects.
Strong stimulants can mask the effects of depressant drugs, such as alcohol. This can increase the potential for aggression, and poses an obvious hazard if the person is driving.
Hallucinogenic drugs distort the user's perceptions of reality. These drugs include:
- LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide): also known as 'trips', 'acid' and 'microdots';
- magic mushrooms (psilocybin): also known as 'mushies';
- mescaline (peyote cactus); and
- ecstasy (MDMA/methylenedioxymethamphetamine): also known as 'E', 'XTC' and 'Eccies', produces a combination of hallucinogenic and stimulant effects; and
- ketamine: also known as 'K' and 'Special K'.
The main physical effects of hallucinogenic drugs are dilation of pupils, loss of appetite, increased activity, talking or laughing, jaw clenching, sweating and sometimes stomach cramps or nausea. Drug effects can include a sense of emotional and psychological euphoria and well-being. Visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations may occur, causing users to see or hear things that do not actually exist. The effects of hallucinogens are not easy to predict and the person may behave in ways that appear irrational or bizarre. Psychological effects often depend on the mood of the users and the context of use.
Negative effects of hallucinogens can include panic, paranoia and loss of contact with reality. In extreme cases, this can result in dangerous behaviour that can put the user and others at great risk. Driving while under the influence of hallucinogens is extremely hazardous. It is common for users to take minor tranquillisers or marijuana to help them come down from a hallucinogenic drug.
Questions about the different types of drugs:
Answer these in a separate page.
1- What are the three main different types of drugs?
2- How do depressant drugs affect the central nervous system?
3- Name four different depressant drugs.
4- What "feelings" are associated with depressant drugs? How do people feel when they take this?
5- Why is it a bad idea to drive after using depressant drugs?
6- Name three different consequences of taking depressant drugs in large doses.
7- How do stimulants affect the central nervous system?
8- Name two commonly used stimulants and two stronger stimulant drugs.
9- How does a person feel after using stimulants?
10- What are the physical effects of stimulants in the body?
11- What are some symptoms of taking high doses of stimulants?
12- Why is it a bad idea for drivers to take stimulants drugs and depressant drugs at the same time? Explain.
13- How do hallucinogenic drugs affect a person? Name five effects.
14- Give two examples of this drug.
15- What is the best time for a driver to take hallucinogenic drugs? Explain.
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